Our brains inherent ability to find and utilize mathematical patterns provides a strong evolutionary advantage. On a more general level, understanding geometric relationships helps organisms navigate their environment, predict movements, and solve problems related to survival and reproduction. Natural selection would follow the same principles and favour brains that could grasp these underlying structures. It is transparently obvious that the same rules that shape the enviroment on a biological and physical level also guided and shaped our body-mind, and in this specific matter, the structure of our brains an how they work.
The ability to process and understand complex mathematical ideas might be an emergent property. It might not be a coincidence that the intricate connections of billions of neurons in our brains are wired in a way that allows us to recognize and manipulate these pre-existing mathematical patterns.
The universality of math, the evolutionary advantage of understanding it, and the concept of emergent intelligence from complex systems suggest that the ability to do math is not just a random quirk of human evolution, but a consequence of the universe being built on these mathematical principles.
But maths does have its limits. Although math is incredibly powerful, it might not be the ultimate description of reality. Quantum mechanics, for example, presents challenges to traditional mathematical frameworks.
Furthermore, our understanding of math might be shaped by the way our senses perceive the world. For instance, the three-dimensional nature of space might influence our grasp of geometry.
So math is more than just an invention. It may well be a fundamental layer of reality that our brains, through the process of evolution, have become particularly adept at uncovering and utilizing.