Kings Cross 1979.

King’s Cross in 1979 was a very different place than it is today. It was a run-down and neglected area, with many vacant buildings and empty lots. The station was dirty and overcrowded, and the surrounding streets were full of crime and poverty.
The area had a long history of decline. It had once been a thriving commercial hub but had fallen on hard times in the early 20th century. The construction of Euston Station in 1837 diverted traffic away from King’s Cross, and the area became increasingly run-down.
The situation worsened in the post-war period. The area was hit hard by bomb damage during World War II, and many buildings were never rebuilt. The area became a magnet for immigrants and refugees and was home to many homeless people.
By the 1970s, King’s Cross was a no-go area for many Londoners. It was seen as a dangerous and dirty place and avoided by tourists and businesses alike.
However, the tide began to turn in the late 1970s when The Greater London Council began investing in the area, and new businesses started to move in.

Top Featured Nighttime image of Kings Cross Station by Roger Carvell

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