THE FLOW: Department of Public Affairs – Guidance 304

Perfect Flow is proof those who produce it strive for perfection themselves.
Constant Selfless Commitment to the Flow is True Freedom and Liberation from Ego.
Be Selfless. Be Perfect. Be The Flow.

General Guidance notification

There has been much concern that the Department of Murder encourages people to apply for the assassination of those persons who they feel have wronged them or caused an injustice to them over a period of time.
In light of these concerns, under instructions from Baphomet, The Department of Public Affairs has issued the following information to all persons to restore stability and security.
The Department of Murder has successfully reduced all crimes and public nuisance incidents.

Few people know what a productive ‘Flow’ person is.
Flow people are no different from anyone else.
The only difference is that they KNOW they are no different.
This knowing does not make them any different to you or me.

These guidelines are for both those who may be considering applying for an assassination and those who feel they may be a target of one.
You can be the best you.
Be better at who you are.
With your work, friends and family.
Now, to be the best you can be, there’s no need to buy anything, get rid of anything, change your diet, or start some kind of physical regime.
And if you do, it’s only because you want to and no other reason.

The Method

The method is accessible to everyone and you are encouraged to practice it at all times.
When you finish reading this.
Sit somewhere quiet, or go for a walk.
Observe your thoughts.
That shouldn’t be too difficult, we do it all the time.
Practice not getting hooked on one or other thought.
If you get lost in one or other matter, stop as soon as you realise it and return to observing.
Don’t judge or be proud, guilty, angry, resentful, remorseful, anxious, impatient, rushed.
Just notice these things happening if they do.
Naturally, at first, you’ll find yourself distracted.
But keep doing it, and you’ll get better at it.

It’s not about not thinking or stopping thinking.
That is not possible.
Thoughts are a natural process.
Just as the emotional reaction to them is.
Thoughts and emotional reactions to them or despite them are a natural occurrence.
After all, you have been through a lot in your life.

The New World Order has been unsettling to many.
Even before the change, much has happened to you, good and bad.
You made mistakes, as everyone has
Others have let you down.
You experienced injustice.
You had some lucky breaks and some bad ones.
The world is not perfect, and similarly, nor is your life.
So do not try to clear your mind.
Only observe the thoughts that naturally occur.
Try not to react to the constant and endless stream.

Eventually, you will experience moments of freedom and release.
No longer chasing after a solution, a result.
That is The Flow
You will no longer be a reactive person, or controlled, distracted, or led in one direction or another to behave, take action, think or desire objects, situations or experiences simply out of habit.
You will understand yourself better.
You will understand others and not be affected by what they say or do.
Your thoughts will be more precise and more streamlined.
More focussed when they need to be, not fogged up by historical or emotional, misinformed or misguided associations.
You will have more humour.
Your work will be more productive.
You will not need to concern your self with the Department of Murder in any way.