Post-Apocalypse Society.

The Apocalyse happened. But the book of Revelations got it all wrong, and for all the wrong reasons. Lucifer and his younger brother, Satan were victorious. Now it’s all about perfection and The Flow.How did that happen?
Careful planning and preparation, my good friend. The long game

From the beginning of the European plunder of what became the USA, when powers like Spain, Portugal, England, and France started exploring and colonizing the New World in the 15th and 16th centuries and then increasingly after the Industrial Revolution, Lucifer had his demons possess government officials, slave owners, traders. Then into the twentieth century, with advances in manufacturing, communications and information, technology, Lucifers demons targetted various scientists, Internet CEOs and software engineers, politicians, Corporate Billionaires, oligarchs, and influencers. Not to put thoughts into their minds. No need for that. Think about it, why would they need to? The Apocalypse was intended to introduce a better way of living (from the Demons point of view, that is).

The two brothers, Lucifer and Satan, wanted to rule the world, not ruin it. They might be all-powerful demons, but they’re not crazy. No, the possessions were to absorb their first-hand knowledge to take care of business themselves when their demons took over after the Apocalypse. Lucifer was the brains, the super cosmic bureaucrat with big ideas. Brother Satan was the brawn. His demons possessed military leaders and strategists, military historians. Naturally, the possessions screwed with the minds of those guys; they got hooked on the mechanics of profit and expansion with no regard for what it did to the people or the environment. Before you get the wrong idea, that wasn’t because demons are evil, far from it. That heartless greed and pursuit of pleasure and power were all on the humans.


We Strive to Flow.
In productivity and within ourselves.
A Perfect Flow is proof those who produce it strive for perfection themselves.
Constant Selfless Commitment to the Flow is True Freedom and Liberation from Ego.
Be Selfless. Be Perfect. Be The Flow.

Phase 1: Seeding the post-apocalypse Infrastructure

  1. The Global Census: Needing a grasp of his new dominion after the Apocalypse, Lucifer, ever the strategist, used the material infrastructure, data and resources on the Internet to carry out the most comprehensive , census ever taken, gathering information like demographics, skills, material resources, health data, basically everything that society was made of and used.
  2. The Ministries and Departments: Under the guidance of Baphomet, and the Supreme Overseers of Destiny, specific Ministries and departments were estasblished such as The Ministry of All that is and will be Known, and the Department of Information that ran the entire Internet, both hardware, protocols, websites and applications, the Department of Knowledge Management. Ministry of Justice and its Department of Murder where aggrieved humans could apply to have someone assassinated and/ or tortured, the Department of Suffering, The Ministry of Resource management. The Department of Public Affairs.
  3. Performance Targets and Monitoring: The principle of ‘The Flow’ guided every aspect of life after the Apocalypse. Every person was issued with Smartwatches that tracked a person’s health, and energy being used. This was cross reference with their location and work output to ensure optimum performance at all times. Not reaching production targets or deviating from performance standards would result in a visit from a Demon Judge who, with a team of devils would exact an appropriate level of punishment.

Phase 2: Enforcing the Flow

  1. Demon Management: All senior supervisors and management, gorgeous demons, both male and female, ensured adherence to schedules and procedures. In accordance with the Yin-Yang principle, their suggestive behaviour was a constant test of a human subordinates maturity and skill in not responding to the more base thoughts and emotions. (See The Flow)
  2. Incentives and Disincentives: Once specific targets were set for energy usage, resource supply, production, and distribution schedules, any overachieving was punished just the same as underachieving. The flow had to be perfect, with no excess or waste.
    To explore more about life after the apocalypse buy the book. It’s dirt cheap.